Saturday, November 30, 2019

The American Diet Essays - Diets, Intentional Living, Vegetarianism

The American Diet The American Diet "You are what you eat", goes a famous saying. And if that is truly the case, then a lot of Americans would appear to be unhealthy, chemically treated, commercially raised slabs of animal flesh. And while that is not a particularly pleasant thought, it is nonetheless an description of the typical American omnivore who survives on the consumption of Big Macs and steak fajitas. But there are individuals who do not follow this American norm and have altered their diets so that they do not consume any meat. These people are vegetarians, and they are the new breed of healthy Americans who refuse to poison themselves with fats, cholesterol, and the other harmful additives that come from meat. And while once thought to be a movement that would never gain much momentum, it has nonetheless moved itself to the forefront of Americans' healthy diets. The word vegetarian, used to describe the diets of people who do not consume animal flesh, was not used until around the mid-1800s. The concept of vegetarianism, however, dates back much further. The Greek philosopher Pythagoras, considered by many to be the father of vegetarianism, encouraged a non-meat diet among his followers as a diet that was the most natural and healthful (Messina 3). A vegetarian diet excludes the consumption of meat, and can be exercised by people for a number of reasons. The largest majority of individuals chose vegetarianism for health related reasons. For example, someone with an ulcer might be prescribed a strict diet of vegetables in order to promote the healing process. Or someone with a dangerously high level of cholesterol might be advised to follow a vegetarian diet to lower his or her fat and cholesterol intake. The immorality of consuming animal flesh is another argument touted by a smaller group of vegetarians. R.G. Frey describes this moral argument for vegetarianism and the effect that meat eating might have on the character of humans: Some people have come to believe and fear that, in the suffering and killing which occurs in commercial farming, we demean ourselves, coarsen our sensitivities, dull our feelings of sympathy with our fellow creatures, and so begin the descent down the slippery slope of torture and death, to a point where it becomes easier for us to contemplate and carry out the torture and killing of human beings. (20) This moral argument for vegetarianism is also noted by John Robbins who states that "the suffering these animals undergo has become so extreme that to partake of food from these creatures is to partake unknowingly of the abject misery that has been their lives"(14). But whatever the reasons behind a person's choice to be a vegetarian, it is important to understand the different diets that individual vegetarians can choose. In the widest sense of the word, a vegetarian diet is a diet that is made up of grains, vegetables and fruit, but does not include any animal flesh, such as fish, pork, poultry, or beef. But beyond these standards, there are many variations of diet that occur within the world of vegetarianism. The first, and most prominent, category of vegetarianism is a lacto-ovo vegetarian. Mark Messina describes a lact-ovo diet as "...a vegetarian diet (that) includes dairy products and eggs but no animal flesh"(7). This means that there is consumption of animal byproducts, such as milk, eggs, or honey, but there is no consumption of animal flesh. Another variation is the lacto-vegetarian diet that allows the consumption of milk and other milk products, but does not include the consumption of eggs. And like all vegetarians, these two groups do not consume fish, poultry, or meat (Messina 7). Another category that vegetarians can fall into are vegans. The vegan diet is by far the most strict of all the vegetarian diets. According to Mark Messina, "Vegans avoid meat, fish, poultry, dairy, and eggs. There are many other foods that may not be acceptable to many vegans, however. Foods that involve animal processing to any degree are often avoided"(11). This means that vegans can consume no foods containing animal byproducts, such as milk, eggs, or honey. Being a vegan often dictates an "animal friendly" lifestyle that, aside from not eating anything that came from an animal, also abstains from buying or using products that were tested on animals or are made from animal hairs or skin, such as leather shoes or belts (Messina 11). A common misconception of vegetarians is that they are all a bunch of skinny, malnourished idealists who live on plants and soy milk. And another, related common misconception is that a diet of meat

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

4 Reasons to Teach in a Private School

4 Reasons to Teach in a Private School Teaching in a private school has many advantages over teaching in a public school. For most of us, it comes down to the reality that all we really want to do is teach. We find the administrative side of the job confining and time-consuming. Minimal bureaucracy has to be the biggest advantage of teaching in a private school, but there are other advantages. Private schools create a climate for serious teaching with the following: thin management structuresmall class sizessmall schoolsideal teaching conditions Thin Management Structure A private school is its own independent entity. Its not part of a large administrative group of schools, like  those in a school district. So you dont have to go up or down through layers of bureaucracy to deal with issues. Private schools are autonomous units of manageable size. The organization chart typically has the following upward path: StaffDepartment HeadHead of SchoolBoard. You will find additional layers in larger schools, but even there its a pretty thin management structure. The advantages are obvious: responsiveness to issues, clear communication channels. You dont need a union to help you deal with issues when you have easy access to administrators. Small Class Sizes This issue goes to the heart of what we teachers are all about. Small class sizes allow us to teach effectively, to give our students the individual attention which they deserve, and to accomplish the goals which have been entrusted to us. Private schools typically have class sizes of from 10-12 students. Parochial schools generally have larger class sizes, but even they are smaller than those in comparable public schools. Contrast this with your public schools which range from 25-30 or more students per class. At that class size, you become a traffic cop, not a teacher. Union mandated class size is not an issue in private schools. Small Schools Most private schools have 300-400 students. The largest independent schools top out at only 1100 or so students. Compare that with public schools with 2,000-4,000 students and you can understand why students in private schools are not just numbers. Teachers can get to know all their students as well as others throughout the school community. The community is what private schools are all about. Ideal Teaching Conditions Teachers want to be creative. They want to teach their subject. They want to light the fires of enthusiasm for learning within their young charges. Because private schools adhere to the spirit, but not to the letter of state-mandated curricula, there is great flexibility in the choice of texts and of teaching methodologies. You dont need a union agreeing to the adoption of this text or that methodology for use in the classroom. Common Goals Private school students are there because their parents want them to have the best possible education. Parents are paying serious money for that service. Consequently, everybody expects the very best results. If you are passionate about your subject, you feel the same way. Only the best will do. Public Vs Private Education: Differences While there are many differences between public and private schools, the primary difference is the approach to discipline. In a private school, the rules of the school are clearly laid out when you sign the contract to attend a private school. By signing the contract you agree to abide by the terms of the contract which include consequences for infraction of the discipline code. In a public school, you have rights - constitutional rights which must be respected. The disciplinary process takes time and frequently is a cumbersome, complicated process. Students quickly learn how to play the system and can tie teachers up in knots for weeks over disciplinary matters.​ Discipline Promotes an Atmosphere of Learning When you are not fighting for control of a class, you can teach. Because parents send their children to private school to learn, the focus is on learning. Of course, there will still be the usual teenage experimenting with authority and the limits. But, as a rule, that kind of testing is fairly harmless. Why? Because everybody knows the rules. The code of conduct spells out serious consequences for disrespecting a teacher or a classmate. The code of conduct is enforced. Bullying is unacceptable behavior. Disruptive behavior is unacceptable. Fighting is unacceptable. Discipline promotes an atmosphere of learning. Discipline is a critical part of the three-way partnership private school education is all about. When you sign the contract with the school, you commit to a three-way partnership. While the school takes care of the academics and provides a host of other services while your child is in its care, you are still required to be involved. The school will not allow you to be a silent partner. It will insist on your involvement. When you have no distractions in the classroom, you can teach. Editors note: Brian Horgan is the Director of the Upper School at Gilmour Academy. I asked him why he taught in an independent as opposed to a public school. Here is his response. Most of the colleagues with whom I work and share the joy of independent school teaching, celebrate the aspects of what the late British historian of ideas, Isaiah Berlin, famously refers to as negative libertythe freedom to act without interference from others. Clearly, this is a valuable aspect of independent school teaching. Most of us relish the opportunity to work free of burdensome dictates of state department of education mandates, strict and often misguided teacher certification and re-certification requirements, pat curricular designs and assessment procedures, and bureaucratic paperwork including the submission of daily lesson plans. In my teaching career I have come to appreciate the benefits of this kind of liberty as well; however, I try to remain attentive to the opportunities, by way of responsibilities, this kind of freedom makes imperative. It is precisely these opportunities that give me cause to celebrate the independent school experience. More specifically, the fr eedom I enjoy as an independent school teacher affords me the opportunity to turn my attention to things that matter most.​ Because I am free from the democratic, though nobly intended, policies of public education, I can work within a smaller community where individuals can meet the individual needs of other individuals. Of course, the demands of the community become more pronounced in this small settingthe virtuous practice of sharing, listening, and compassion are paramount to the success of the independent school. A good public school system will, to be sure, have teachers who are committed to these virtues as wellmy children have been in their classrooms. But it is also true that there are teachers who are not so committed in part, perhaps, because they work in school systems where, by necessity or accident, sociological statistics and objective data collection have become more important than people. Unfortunately, independent schools employ people like this as well but my sense is that this is accidental rather than the inevitable by-product of a large educational system overburdened by bureaucratic demands. The small community of learners to be found in an independent school invites us to listen to the individual needs of our students and respond to those individual needs rather than having to resign ourselves to the limitations that long class rosters and incredibly hefty teaching loads would normally dictate. It invites us to share our insights, strategies, and classrooms with our colleagues rather than wasting time and energy protecting turf and reputation. It invites us to self-direct our professional growth rather than having it governed for us by people whom we have never met. When we enjoy these benefits of independence, however, we must recognize that the source of our joy is an independence hat differs from the negative liberty of no interference. As independent school educators we must be constantly mindful that to be independent of outside demands is to be, at the same time, bound by professional and inter-personal obligations, and that monitoring these obligations has become, to a great extent, the responsibility of the individual rather than the state, or proficiency test results, or the superintendent, or even, in some cases, the department chair. Freedom should never mean that one is free to do whatever one pleases; rather it should mean that one has the opportunity to focus with greater clarity on the proper limits of independence. To be independent does not allow one to say leave me alone and let me do my work; instead it calls one to invite others to share that work in an environment that is grounded in trust. With freedom comes dutya duty to m ove beyond the walls of individual classrooms and attend to the broad requisites of the mission. Unfortunately, I fear this aspect of independence is sometimes overlooked. Fortunately, many independent school teachers are mindful of the full scope of possibilities their independence affords and consequently enjoy the most rewarding benefits of teaching at an independent school. Some people think that you have to wear an academic gown when you teach at a private school. At least thats the impression you get when you watch the Harry Potter movies. Thats just one misconception people have about teaching in a private school. Myths abound concerning teacher salaries, teacher certification, faculty housing, same-sex partners and the impression that private schools are elitist. Lets find out the facts. Salaries Myth: Private school teachers make less than their colleagues in public schools. As with most things, thats not necessarily true. A lot depends on the kind of the school we are talking about. For example, a third-grade teacher in a parochial school will make about 10-15% less than her counterpart in a public school. Why? Parochial school budgets are traditionally the slimmest in the business because their tuitions are among the lowest in the business. Now, put that same third-grade teacher in a Montessori school and the salary gap closes significantly. Why? Montessori schools typically charge what the market will bear. Highly qualified teachers with terminal degrees working at the top prep schools will make very close to what their colleagues in public education make. Ditto for administrators. Elitism Myth: Private school students are spoiled rich kids or neer-do-wells who have been packed off to private school for remediation. Yes, there are day schools in many parts of the country where you will see more luxury cars per square foot in the school parking lot than you can possibly imagine. Yes, it is impressive seeing Joshs dad land on the soccer field in his company helicopter*. The reality, however, is that most schools are remarkably diverse, inclusive communities. Ignore the popular stereotypes which Hollywood loves to perpetuate. Same-Sex Partners Myth: Same-sex partners are not welcome in private schools. That may still be the case in most conservative religious schools. On the other hand, some of the top prep schools including Andover welcome same-sex couples on their faculty and staff. They enjoy all the rights and privileges which heterosexual couples enjoy. Housing Myth: Private schools require their faculty to live on campus Some do and some dont. Boarding schools typically want their junior faculty to be dorm masters. In other words, you are required to live in an apartment in the dorm and be responsible for supervising the students who board. Senior faculty and staff generally live in school-provided housing located on campus. Day schools dont require their faculty to live on campus as a rule. Dress Code Myth: Private school teachers have to wear academic gowns. American and Canadian private school teachers dress up in their full academic regalia for state occasions such as prize day and graduation only at schools which have a tradition of such formality. Personally, I think that an academic procession with faculty wearing their gowns and hoods is inspiring. Some English schools such as Eton have a very formal dress code. Gown and mortarboard are de rigeur in the classroom. (Considering how cold and drafty English classrooms can be, thats probably not a bad idea.) What is the dress code in most schools? Generally, it follows the lead of the student dress code. If a blazer, shirt, and tie are required for young men, male faculty will dress similarly. The same applies to women faculty. They will wear clothes appropriate to the young ladies dress code. Article edited by  Stacy Jagodowski

Friday, November 22, 2019

An Came First

An Came First An Came First An Came First By Maeve Maddox A reader writes: I propose that an was invented to prevent us from having to interrupt the flow of speech. And it still fills that purpose before unaccented first syllables starting with h. This comment suggests that the indefinite article form an developed from the form a as a means of facilitating pronunciation. Unlike Esperanto, English is not an invented language, but the product of more than a thousand years of development. An was not invented to facilitate the flow of language. Neither did it begin its life as â€Å"an indefinite article.† It started out as a numeric adjective. The English indefinite article a/an derives from the Old English word for one: ane. The word was written ane, anne, aenne and aene in its various declensions. As it evolved into our modern indefinite article, sometimes it signified the number one and sometimes the article a. For example, in an OE version of the New Testament parable of the workmen who are all paid the same for different amounts of work, the owner of the vineyard pays them â€Å"anne pening,† that is, â€Å"one penny.† In the account of the voyages of Ohthere and Wulfstan, Ohthere refers to Skiringssal as â€Å"an port,† that is, â€Å"a port.† Even in modern usage, the article a/an can be used in the sense of â€Å"one,† as in, â€Å"I’ll have a hamburger, a cherry Coke, and two orders of fries.† Like the reader whose comment prompted this post, some modern speakers feel that that an â€Å"still fills [a] purpose before unaccented first syllables starting with h.† According to a note in the OED, â€Å"many (perhaps most) writers down to the 19th century retained an before sounded h and some even before eu, u, as â€Å"an historian,† â€Å"an euphonic vowel,† and â€Å"an united appeal.† Most modern usage guides, however, recommend a. That’s not to say that you can’t say â€Å"an historic† if you want to. Related posts: A Useful Reminder About An A Historic vs. An Historic Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Rhetorical Devices for Rational WritingConfused Words #3: Lose, Loose, Loss25 Idioms with Clean

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Nursing - Health Promotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nursing - Health Promotion - Essay Example Theories and Models of Health Promotion There are a number of fundamental theories and models associated with health promotion. It is essential to differentiate between theories and models. Theories are an integrated set of proposed ideas that serve as an explanation for a phenomenon. Models are a sub-class of a theory. They provide a plan for investigation, and or addressing an event (Robinson & Hill, 1999). Below is a summary of the main theories and models utilized in health promotion: 1. The theories and models that attempt to expound health behaviour change and health behaviour by focusing on an individual. Examples include: †¢ Health belief model †¢ Theory of reasoned action †¢ Stages of change model †¢ Social learning theory 2. Theories and models that attempt to explain changes in communities and community actions for health. Examples include: †¢ Community mobilization; social planning, social action and community development †¢ Diffusion of inno vation 3. Models that attempt to explain the changes in organisations and the creation of health-supportive organisational practices such as theories of organisational change (Freire, 2002). Health Promotion Policy Documents There widely known policy documents on health promotion are the Ottawa Charter and the Jakarta Declaration. The Ottawa Charter outlines three basic tactics for health promotion. These are enabling all people to attain their full health potential; mediating between the various interests in society in the chase of health. The Jakarta Declaration identifies five health priorities. These are; promotion of social responsibilities for health, expanding partnerships for health promotion, increasing investments for health development, increasing community capacity and empowering individuals, and securing infrastructure for health promotion (Wallace & Appleton, 2011). Mental Health Promotion as an Aspect of Health Promotion Mental health promotion is vital for modern hea lthcare. Mental health nurses are a vital part of efficient and effective mental health services. In the past few years, they have participated in an absolutely crucial role in the transformation of mental health services. One of the most crucial aspects in health promotion is mental health promotion. Mental health nurses should focus on the broader needs of patients, applying their expertise to improve physical fitness through better health promotion activities and assessment, and by providing sufficient psychological therapy. Inpatient care delivery should be improved by extending the time mental health nurses spend in direct clinical contact with patients and minimising the time spent on administrative roles. Career structures for mental health nurses should be reviewed according to current needs and a wide range of new nursing roles developed and sustained. Mental health nurses should promote social inclusion for carers and their service users. Recruitment and retention of menta l health nurses should be improved through presenting positive messages on health to the media, linking colleges and schools and other initiatives. Case Study Michael is a 30-year-old man who lives alone in a bungalow in the outskirts of a city. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia when he was

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Social Anxiety Disorder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Social Anxiety Disorder - Essay Example C. Lack of social experience or skills in certain social situations may worsen the fear and anxiety of being mortified or embarrassed in the presence of others - the anxiety stemming from the feeling that they will embarrass or humiliate themselves (Antony & Swinson, 2008). D. Thesis Statement: Social anxiety disorder does not let individuals to function normally in society; others have less obvious symptoms of the disorder, and it can be even so well-hidden that they do not realize having it, but still the anxiety disorder interferes with their normal coexistence with other people (Nardi, 2003). C. Psychotherapy: Involves talking to a trained therapist. Psychotherapy allows the person with anxiety disorder to look deeper into their worries and problems and sort out troublesome habits (Zimbardo, 2001). A. Social anxiety disorder does not let individuals to function normally; others have less obvious symptoms of the disorder, and it can be so well-hidden that they do not realize having it, but still the disorder interferes with their normal coexistence with

Saturday, November 16, 2019

13 Domestic Cabinet Departments Essay Example for Free

13 Domestic Cabinet Departments Essay 1.) U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) – responsibilities include farming, agricultural products, food stamps, and anti-poverty programs, and conservation and natural resource protection. The inspectors of this department are responsible for the safety of the nation’s food supply. 2.) U.S. Department of Commerce- responsible for everything we buy and sell, they regulate everything from foreign trade to fishing to the granting of patents, they oversee programs that support minority businesses, and provides statistics and analyses for business and government planners. 3.) U.S Department of Defense (DOD)- responsible for supplying military hardware, administering personnel pay and benefits, providing info to the public and military, managing military education programs and attempting to locate missing personnel or prisoners of war. 4.) U.S. Department of Education- their first responsibility is making sure that the nation’s public school systems provide students with proper school supplies, educational facilities and qualified teachers. Personnel promote parental involvement in their children’s education, develop financial aid policies and encourage the use of modern technology in the classroom. 5.) U.S. Department of Energy- works to ensure that the nation has a steady, consistent and safe supply of energy. Energy scientists work to harness the sun’s power while its physicists attempt to capture nuclear energy for civilian or military use. 6.) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) the governments primary agency for overseeing the health and well-being of the American people. HHS employees work on more than 300 programs and perform essential services ranging from food safety to medical research to drug abuse prevention. HHS has regional offices across the country. 7.) U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) first priority is to protect the nation against further terrorist attacks. Component agencies will analyze threats and intelligence, guard the nations borders and airports, protect critical national infrastructure, and coordinate the nations response for future emergencies. 8.) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) responsible for ensuring that American families have access to decent, safe and affordable housing. Among HUDs biggest programs are insuring mortgages for homes and loans for home improvement, making direct loans for construction or rehabilitation of housing projects for the elderly and the handicapped, providing federal housing subsidies for low- and moderate-income families, and enforcing fair housing and equal housing access laws. 9.) U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) manages the nations natural resources, from land and water to coal and natural gas. By monitoring the extraction of natural resources, Interior Department personnel work to efficiently protect and preserve the environment. The Department also houses the office responsible for overseeing Native American affairs. 10.) U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) makes sure that federal laws aimed at protecting the public and promoting competitive business practices are implemented, including immigration and naturalization statutes, consumer safeguards and criminal prosecutions. The FBI falls under the Justice Departments authority. 11.) U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) administers and enforces laws and regulations that ensure safe working conditions, minimum hourly pay and overtime. Through its varied initiatives, it also works to meet the special employment-related needs of the disabled, the elderly and minorities, and provides job banks, unemployment benefits and workplace health regulations. 12.) U.S. Department of State- responsible for the conduct of the nations foreign affairs and diplomatic initiatives. State Department personnel coordinate conferences with foreign leaders, hammer out treaties and other agreements with foreign governments and protect the safety of US citizens traveling abroad. 13.) U.S. Department of the Treasury- Printing the nations money is only one of many responsibilities overseen by the nations second oldest cabinet department (only the State Department has been around longer). It also sets domestic financial, economic and tax policy, manages the public debt and collects taxes. Less obvious is Treasurys other major role—law enforcement; the Secret Service and the Customs Service are Treasury agencies. 14.) U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Cars, trucks, buses, trains, boats, and airplanes all fall under the Department of Transportations authority. So does the nations transportation infrastructure. The work of Transportation Department employees makes it possible for Americans to travel home for the holidays, away on vacation, and even to and from work. The Transportation Department is also home to the new Transportation Security Administration, which is responsible for protecting the countrys transportation systems and ensuring the safety of its passengers. 15.) U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Best known for its healthcare system, the VA also provides social support services, administers pensions and other veterans benefits, and promotes the hiring of veterans.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Miller Essay -- essays research papers

The Miller The Miller is not in the tale, but is as vivid a creation of Chaucer as characters that are. The Knight presents us with an ideal to which he probably aspires; the Miller presents us with the real everyday world. While the Knight stresses the nature of romantic love, the Miller considers love in sexual terms. Neither view alone is wholly true. Each is a corrective to the other: love embraces both of these elements. This paper will describe The Miller’s characteristics, his humor, his education level, and his habits. Like the Wife of Bath, the Miller is a character of commanding physical presence: he is a massive man who excels in such displays of strength as wrestling matches, and breaking doors "at a renning with his heed". He is a bearded, strong, working man. By stressing the Miller's physical attributes, Chaucer suggests to the reader the idea of a down-to-earth man who takes pleasure in satisfying basic appetites. Though the Miller is a man of down-to-earth outlook and physical pleasure, he is a very intelligent man. His narrative style, if less complex and conventionally sophisticated than the Knight's, is superb in its realism, economy and control, especially of the humorous elements. The Miller is an educated man, and able to describe the paraphernalia of Nicholas's astrological activities. This rather unexpected subtlety is indicated in the final lines of the description in the General Prologue. These are introduced by "And yet..." sh...

Monday, November 11, 2019

How michael porter five model affects Costco Wholesale Corporation Essay

According to Michael Porter, an industry is affected by certain forces, which enable them to attain different levels of profitability. These five forces help managers analyze the industry to gain a better understanding and develop a more effective business strategy. In the discount retailing industry, it is important to consider the following when considering entry: Threat of New Entrants: Four major competitors, WalMart, Kmart, Target and Costco Wholesale dominate the discount retail industry. The threat of new entrants is low, as this small number of large firms has spent decades establishing their position in the market. While online retailers, such as, and smaller department stores do create a semi-competitive environment, there is no major threat as the entry barriers are high (there is major risk and expensive start-up costs) and small start-ups are discouraged from trying to penetrate the market. The lack of patents and government regulation allow the existence of small department stores in the industry, but their expansion is limited. Rivalry Within the Industry: In the discount retail industry, there is fierce competition among the major brands, as products sold are usually relatively price elastic; most of the shoppers are looking for the â€Å"best value for price† and the goods are not significantly differentiated from one another. This leads to efficient management and competitive costs. While dollar stores and other small retailers have established a niche market, they do not pose a significant threat to the market leaders. Supplier Power: The existence of a large number of suppliers and limited shelf space has lead to low supplier power; retailers like Kmart are free to switch to alternate, cheaper brands. Threat of Substitutes: In terms of brand identity, the main players attempt to differentiate themselves from each other by emphasizing on their strengths; while WalMart is known as the price leader, Target

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Lasting Impresion of Reality Tv and Its Lack of Moral

Reality television has been around far longer than many give it credit. Many viewers forget about the very first reality television shows such as Big Brother, Survivor, and non-trashy versions of The Bachelor that displayed things such as alliance, friendship, and character development through the praises of its audience. Although newer shows have been accused of growing â€Å"trashier†; I feel that this change is actually only in response to the demand of its audience. Show popularity drops when the message they portray becomes â€Å"unhip†, or â€Å"uncool†.So in order to keep up ratings shows were forced to show what people wanted to see. As our country has slowly let go of morals and standards, its people have been forced to adapt. Reality television has been forced to diminish all possibilities for ever being labeled as â€Å"moral†. It has taken a direction for the worse and shows today lack little meaning or value. In its most current state, televis ion shows force its younger viewers to grow up faster, making younger and younger kids do adult things.These reality shows exemplify things such as sex, drugs, violence, and self-harm. Television producers these days simply have no problem exposing the youth to this rubbish. In fact, the producers are specifically targeting the youth with their unmoral and controversial shows. They often reward the rebel characters with extra TV time or book them for another reality show, while the moral and respectable characters are made out to be boring and hardly ever get rewarded.America keeps asking what is making each generation less and less moral, but they fail to recognize what kinds of examples are being set. Children have not become more influential, they simply have been influenced by worse things. In the past few years, there has been a major change to reality television that diminishes its moral teaching reputation. From music videos of half naked women to reality shows full of betray al, lies, and more vulgar than most can handle, the state of American television is in trouble.So where can you turn to when you want to avoid these unmoral shows and watch something good for a change? Well there is no clear-cut answer. Sadly, even some of the biggest networks such as CBS and NBC have started targeting the young crowd with shows that are completely inappropriate. The only solution to this problem is to simply search around a bit to find the perfect show for you. Use sites such as TVguide. com and Amazon. com to check out some reviews and customers' opinions on the show before you start getting into it..

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Understanding the K1 Fiancee Visa Process

Understanding the K1 Fiancee Visa Process A K1 fiancee visa is a non-immigrant visa, which allows a foreign fiancà © or fiancà ©e (to simplify things, well use fiancee in the rest of this article) entry into the U.S. to marry a U.S. citizen. After marriage, an application is made for an adjustment of status for permanent residence. Obtaining the K1 visa is a multi-step process. First, the U.S. citizen files a petition to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Once that is approved, the foreign fiancee will be allowed to complete the process to obtain a K1 visa. The foreign fiancee will provide additional documentation to the local U.S. embassy, attend a medical exam and visa interview. Filing the Fiancee Visa Petition The U.S. citizen (also knows as the petitioner) submits a petition for his or her foreign fiancee (also known as the beneficiary) to the USCIS.The petitioner submits Form I-129F Petition for Alien Fiance, along with Form G-325A Biographic Information, current fees and any required documentation to the appropriate USCIS Service Center.After a few weeks, the U.S. petitioner receives Form I-797, the first Notice of Action (NOA), from the USCIS acknowledging that the petition has been received.Depending on processing times, the petitioner then receives the second NOA from the USCIS acknowledging that the petition has been approved.The USCIS Service Center forwards the petition to the National Visa Center.The National Visa Center will process the file and run preliminary background checks on the beneficiary, then forward the approved petition to the beneficiarys embassy, as listed in the I-129F. Acquiring the Fiancee Visa The embassy receives the file and processes it locally.The embassy sends a package to the beneficiary that includes a checklist of documents that must be collected. The beneficiary will be instructed to send certain items back to the embassy immediately, while other items will be brought to the interview.The beneficiary will complete the checklist and any forms, include any documents required immediately and send the package back to the embassy.Once received, the consulate will send a letter to the beneficiary confirming the date and time of the visa interview.The beneficiary attends a medical interview.The beneficiary attends the visa interview. The interviewing officer will review all documents, ask questions, and make a decision on the case.If approved, the K1 fiancee visa will be issued that day or within the week, depending on the embassy. Activating the Fiancee Visa - Entering the U.S. The beneficiary will travel to the U.S. within 6 months of the K1 fiancee visa being issued.At the port of entry, an immigration officer will review the paperwork and finalize the visa, allowing the beneficiary to officially enter the U.S. First Steps - In the U.S. The K1 fiancee visa holder should apply for a Social Security number shortly after entering the U.S.The couple may now apply for a marriage license. Watch your timing! Most states apply a short waiting period between applying for the license and the marriage ceremony. Marriage The happy couple can now tie the knot! The marriage must take place within 90 days of activating the K1 visa. After Marriage If the foreign spouse is making a name change after marriage, take the new Social Security card and marriage certificate back to the Social Security Administration office to make a name change on the card. Adjustment of Status Now its time to apply for an Adjustment of Status (AOS) to become a permanent resident. It is important to file for the AOS before the K1 expiry date, otherwise, you will be out-of-status. If the foreign spouse wants to work in the U.S. or travel outside the U.S. before permanent resident status is granted, an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) and/or Advance Parole (AP) must be filed along with the AOS.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Severe Emotional Disturbances (SED) Classrooms

Severe Emotional Disturbances (SED) Classrooms Self-contained classrooms for students designated with emotional disturbances need to create a structured and safe environment for students with behavioral and emotional disabilities to learn appropriate ways to interact with peers and adults. The final goal of a self-contained program is for students to exit and join the general education population in regular classrooms. Students with SEDs may be included in general education classrooms with support from a special educator. In many cases, when a students behavior puts him or herself at risk or threatens typical peers, they may be placed in self-contained settings. Sometimes, when children have come to the attention of law enforcement because of violent or destructive behavior, they may return from some form of confinement to a residential program. Decisions are often made on LRE (Least Restrictive Environment) based on the safety of the student, peers, and teachers. Because these special placements are very expensive, many school districts look to self-contained programs to help students with Severe Emotional Disturbances re-enter the general education population. Critical Elements of a Successful Classroom Structure, Structure, Structure: Your classroom needs to exude structure. Desks should be in rows, evenly spaced (maybe even measure and mark each spot with tape) and should be aligned so that students cannot make faces at each other. Trust me, theyll try. Classroom rules and reinforcement charts need to be clearly displayed. Be sure that all materials or resources are easily available, and that your classroom layout requires as little movement as possible. Students with Emotional Disturbances will use sharpening a pencil as an opportunity to annoy a neighbor. Routines: I make no bones about the fact that I am a devotee of Harry Wongs excellent book, The First Days of School, which lays out ways to create routines for a classroom to run smoothly. You teach the routines, you practice the routines, and then you make very sure that everyone (even you) follows the routines and executes them with fidelity. Routines require a teacher to anticipate the sorts of challenges he or she will meet. Its wise for new teachers or new emotional support teachers to ask a veteran special educator to help them anticipate the kinds of problems that you will meet in an Emotional Disturbance program so you can build routines that will avoid those pitfalls. A Token Economy: A lottery system works well in general education classrooms to reward and reinforce appropriate behavior, but students in an Emotional Disturbance classroom need ongoing reinforcement for appropriate replacement behavior. A token economy can be designed in a way that connects it to individual behavior plans (BIP) or a behavior contract to identify target behaviors. Reinforcement and Consequences: A self contained classroom needs to be rich in reinforcers. They can be preferred items, preferred activities, and access to the computer or media. Make it clear that these reinforcers can be earned through following rules and appropriate behavior. Consequences also need to be clearly defined and clearly explained so students know what those consequences are and under what circumstances they are put in place. Obviously, students cant be allowed to suffer natural consequences, (i.e. if you run in the street you get hit by a car) but instead should experience logical consequences. Logical Consequences are a feature of Adlerian psychology, popularized by Jim Fay, co-author of Parenting with Love and Logic. Logical consequences have a logical connection to the behavior: if you tear up your shirt during a rant, you get to wear my ugly, ill-fitting shirt. Reinforcement needs to be things that your students actually find important enough to work for: although age appropriate is the mantra of the day, if behavior is extreme, the most important factor has to be that it works. Create menus of appropriate reinforcers from which students can choose. Choose or design reinforcers that you can pair with replacement behaviors. For example, a certain number of days with a certain number of points, and the student gets to eat lunch in the lunch room with a partner class. A certain number of day with a certain number of points might also earn a student the opportunity to invite a typical peer to play a game in the ED room.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

International trade Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

International trade - Assignment Example The relatively smaller enterprises are concentrated in Baden-Wurttemberg as well as in Bavaria. The production of mechanical machineries has achieved a pivotal importance in the economy of Germany. In the second half 1990s the sector of mechanical machineries experienced slow growth. However accelerated globalization has contributed much to the success of mechanical machineries production. The employment record is best for Germany among the EU member states. The economic performance also improved significantly. The wage modernization process provided competitive advantage to the industries. The advantage of wage modernization and still productivity of labor coupled to improve the economic performance. The mechanical machineries sector is a well diversified sector. The subsector of machine tools also gained importance. Over the past decade specialization is on the process. The subsectors are closely linked with the automobile industry and gained the attention of the European Union. Th e â€Å"engines and turbine† manufacturing is one such industry that has achieved much importance. The share of contribution of this sector is volatile and it is difficult to get any clear trend from the analysis of the sector. The country offers excellent research conditions for the development of technical machineries. But one challenge that the German companies have to deal with is that of high wages as well as some structural change (Vieweg, 2012). International Trade between Germany and Canada The exchange of capital goods as well as services across the international borders is regarded as International Trade. A significant portion of Gross Domestic Product is contributed by trade. In recent centuries the significance of international trade has gained much importance in economic, social as well as political terms (UN/DESA World Economic Vulnerability Monitor, 2012). The determinants or the evolution of the patterns of trade is not incorporated in the formal models of mac roeconomic dynamics. The models generally take into account the patterns of international trade and the structure of the markets along with the factors of production. Germany is a significant partner in trade for Canada. The bilateral merchandise trade of Canada with Germany accounted to more than 14 billion dollars in 2009. In the same year Germany was the second largest destination for export for Canada among the European Union. The decade of 1998 to 2008 the amount of imports from Germany doubled. The exports of Canada to Germany comprised mostly of manufactured goods. The manufactured goods amounted to 60% of the total exports for the year 2009. The exports of Aircraft witnessed the upward rising curve since 2004 at an average of 55%. The exports of cars and car accessories combined to make up 23% of Canadian imports from Germany in 2009. The trade of resource based goods between the countries is more or less evenly balanced. Germany offers services to Canada. In the year 2007, commercial services formed the major part of exports of services. The figure below shows the data on trade of merchandises. (Holden, 2010). The following figure shows data on major exports to Germany from Canada. (Holden, 2010). The following figure shows trade data category-wise. (Holden, 2010). Socio economic indicators of Germany The socio economic development of a country is measured using the rates of GDP, levels of employment as well as with rates of literacy. The invention f new technologies and